Tuesday, December 4, 2007

I Dare You

I've been going through a devotional named "The Hardest 30 Days of your Life" I usually have a hard time getting in to daily books like that, I'm not sure why. Maybe it was because when I was younger and they never held my interest, whatever the reason this study has been an exception, it sucked me in, stretched me broke me, and made me grow. One of the challenges was to go on a 21 day media fast. No TV, movies, secular music or internet. I guess you never realize how attached you are to things like that until you drop them all, the hardest was the internet and music...my dog got more walks and my homework got done earlier than normal I also spent more time reading which is something I have missed. After all was said and done I'm so happy I did it, it was refreshing, I feel like I woke up a little. My thoughts seem different, my attitude. The media can be such a downer, demanding we live up to what they are, that we own what they own that we live how they live...even if you don't give in or believe it it can effect you. Take a break, try it, even if its only for a week.

And do not be conformed to this world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind.... Romans 12:2

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