Thursday, May 17, 2007

Sweet Sorrow

I believe that things happen for a purpose. A purpose that fulfills a divine plan. In some cases we will never know the purpose but every once in while if you look closely and think deeply you can find it. This week I am saying good bye (again) to my best friend in the entire world. This time is different though, I don't know when I will see her again. However, she is chasing a dream and I am infinitely happy for her. We have only really known each other for 3 years which is hard to believe because it feels like it has been a lifetime since I met her and in some ways it has been. As I think back about how we became friends I can see that if I had taken any other path out of high school we never would have been friends. I like seeing things like that, its a small reminder that I'm not really in control as much as I would like to think. It also helps to remind me that this upcoming goodbye, as sad as it will be, is needed.

I'll miss you Caitlin.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Interesting to know.